Spring in Mesaoria 2

A special journey/hommage to the villages in the central plain of Mesaoria, their life, their monuments and their role in the contemporary history of the island. A trip mainly for Cypriots so as to visualize life prior to 1974 and the terrible consequences of the war. We will stop to visit Kirklar Tekke, a muslim holy place built upon tombs that date to the Christian period and all the way to 1974 a place venerated by both communities. We will then visit Agios Artemonas in the nearby village of Afania, see the aqueduct and proceed first to Assia and then to Lysi, where we will visit an interesting architecturally church of the Virgin and also the chapel of St. Eufimianos, empty of its famous frescoes that ended upon in Houston Texas for a number of years. We will speak of the people, the artists, the poets while visiting the village of Kontea.

Necessary documents to have: valid passport or ID